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Rentar un servidor Minecraft con OXXO

Minecraft Server
Get your Minecraft Server with 850 Payment Methods and your server will be ready to 1-2 hours worldwide

¡Live new adventures!

In Minecraft players can make free constructions using cubes (blocks) with three-dimensional textures, they can also explore the environment, collect resources and create objects with different utilities, fight creatures or other players, etc. 

Minecraft Server
Minecraft Forge Server
Minecraft Bukkit Server
+ 1-6 slots + 1-16 slots + 1-27 slots
+ Web Browser / APP + Web Browser / APP + Web Browser / APP
+ Support 24/7 + Support 24/7 + Support 24/7
+ 850 payment methods + 850 payment methods + 850 payment methods
+ Servers ready for you + Servers ready for you+ Servers ready for you
Price: 10.00 USD Price: 18.00 USD Price: 36.00 USD

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